Ordinary World: Tatooine where Luke lives and works
Call to Adventure: R2D2's holograph of Princess Leiaclassic princess in distress
Refusal of Call: Parental blocking figure, Uncle Owen, reminds Luke of familial responsibilities.
Meeting the Mentor: Obi Wan Kenobiis guide; talisman is father's light saber
Crossing the Threshold: Luke leaving of his home planet Tantooine
Tests, allies, enemies: Luke's efforts to save Leia, Serpent in trash compacter; Obi Wan, R2D2 & 3CPO, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia; Vader
The Inner Most Cave: The Imperial Falcon is drawn into the Death Star by tractor beam.
The Ordeal: Saving Leia
The Reward: Luke becomes a hero rescuing Leia
The Return: Falcon escapes exploding Death Star
Resurrection: Return of Obi Wan as internalized voice
Return with Elixir: Saves Leia and R2D2 with plans of Death Star